
613 Coup Cuck Clown

Welcome back to opposite world You know, where everything being said is exactly the opposite of what they mean? It's funny, I've heard humans have collective amnesia, and right up until inauguration day, I kinda forgot about this world. Back in my school days, I managed to pick up two bachelor's degrees, one in art and the other in communications. These days I'm not sure which one is more useful, but this blog post is mostly leaning on the communications. So what have I been seeing and thinking the past three weeks? Self-censorship I'm only your average shithead. A private citizen, not a journalist. What I write here is opinion, sadly, not fact. Like almost everyone else, I get my info from the news and social media.  Even better, nobody listens to me. This is Blogspot. It hasn't been relevant in 20 years. And yet, I find myself nervous. What if they come after me?  That's intentional. So here I am. Not being afraid. At least not enough to shut up. What busi...