607 thinking about big trucks

Our thoughts tend to be influenced by what's happening around us. It's a bit unavoidable. 

If you're at the beach on a hot sunny day, you might find yourself thinking about swimming, swimsuits, ice cream, or even sharks. Sure, you might think about work too, but maybe a lot less than you'd think about it if you were say, at work. 

When I lived in the Bay Area, I thought about all kinds of things. But when it came to focusing my thoughts in writing, I often found myself thinking about technology and the future. There was a lot of technology there, and generally California is culturally fifteen years ahead of the rest of the United States. So, you're kind of living in the future. 

We can argue that point, and surely Miami and New Orleans are innovating culture. New York, too. There are little pockets all over the place. But on average California is ahead. Anyway, that's beside the point. 

The point is this, where I'm living now, I find myself thinking about big pickup trucks. Oh sure, I think about some other things: flipping houses, what it would be like to turn this quaint little town into a really vibrant walkable community. Oh, it's already walkable, but what it would be like to actually have people enjoying it. Utilizing it to a higher degree. 

But I'm afraid a lot of the people around here are thinking about a big trucks. When you're surrounded by big trucks, I don't know, you start having favorites. Personally, I have my eye on a single cab long bed Silverado from around 2012 to 2014. Why, I don't have any idea. A new single cab short bed F-150 would be pretty cool, too. One of those in navy blue with a tan interior would do me just right. 

This is kind of terrible.

Writing, talking, is a way of gaining understanding of the world around us. When the pandemic hit, I started this blog. Like everyone around me, I was confused. I needed to get my thoughts down on "paper." Pin them down, keep track of them a little bit. 

Maybe admitting this fascination with trucks will help me come to terms with what's going through my mind. Maybe what's going through the minds of the people around me. 

In San Francisco, I started learning the lesson of how to not be a douchebag white dude. Now I suppose I'm here to learn another lesson. 


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