590 AI to the rescue

Let's aimlessly explore the world of things I thought were important enough to comment on in the past few weeks. (In other words, here are more screenshots I'm clearing off my phone.)

At top, a city street, reimagined. When you take the long view of humanity and civilization, this hundred year blip of auto-domination will seem quite short. And objectively a bit crazy.

But as US citizens, we can at least brag that we were the leaders in it. The last time I looked at stats of who was producing the most carbon dioxide, back in the early 2000s, the US was the most, with something over 20%. China has passed us, as a group.

But don't worry, we're still winning on a person-by-person basis.

And overall, we're so far in the lead it will be hard to pass us!

This is an older headline that is still gaining traction. So, what is "tricky" about converting commercial space to housing?

Zoning! Politics! Getting anyone to agree on anything!

Will 75% off help?

Maybe? So basically, yeah, it might have heat and windows and bathrooms, running water and electricity, but geez, you know, switching from office chairs to beds and sofas, daytime occupancy to around-the-clock occupancy, that's, um, really hard.

When we were in Brittany, France a month or two ago, I remarked on how the Gulf Stream makes it much warmer year round than where we live, on the same latitude. And my friend who was hosting us, who is generally a turned on person but also generally underspoken, said, "The Gulf Stream is predicted to shut down by 2050."

Guys, I've been around long enough to know two things: we can't predict the future, and 2050 is not very long from now. 

Are you subscribed to a generative AI yet? 

The results are far from perfect, but my gosh, we accept so much mediocre crap in this lifetime that...it's fine.

Honestly, I forget why I took this or what it represents. Although it's kinda cool to see where the last ice age made it to.

There's been a ton of talk about AI taking jobs. And it already is. 

This happens every time a new, game changing technology comes along. I'm sure there were plenty of Bible-copying monks who were upset about the printing press. 

But somehow, I get a sense that AI is going to make our mediascape much more polished. It's going to be a trip when I can write one of these blog posts, then ask the AI to edit it, come up with some punchy subheads, and tweak the layout so all the images are animated and address you by name as you scroll by.

It's a ducking shame to be living at the height of humanity in the richest country on earth and to hear about things like the "homeless problem" and the "housing crisis." As (at least a small portion of us) slide toward a weird angry hate-filled religious autocracy, our boy JC is rolling in his grave.

Haha, he doesn't have a grave! Dude, he ascended to heaven. That's what Easter is all about! It's not about the ancient bunny goddess Esther, the fertility goddess also known as the planet Venus, also known as Ishtar and Freya and many other names around the world, that star in the east, the East Star.

No it's not! 

Well, it's not like we're in the seventh extinction event or anything.

My plan is to stick around as long as possible and see what happens next. Hope I don't get too thirsty.


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